Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Chloe reviews: first capital connect trains

Today we take an unusual step away from our regular blogging topic of books. Because at some point everything needs a review, whether it be positive or scathing. So we all can know if it's well regarded, recommended and if its succeeding at its chosen function. So with that in mind i shall now guide you through the user experience, in the hope that you can be better informed in your train travelling choices. Of course, mostly the point is to relieve me of my anger and force it upon you. Don't look at me like that,what else is the internet for? 

The topic of this review shall be, First Capital Connect(FCC) 'train services'. For those fortunate enough not to live in London/the UK let me first congratulate you for probably being richer and happier than I, and secondly explain that FCC are a commuter train service that allegedly run trains in and out of London.
I am lucky enough to take their Luton service two stops to work, and let me assure you it is a barrage on the emotions, in a most unpleasant way.

Unfortunately for FCC they fall short of the mark of 'train service' and what you are actually left with is some kind of mysterious transportation that appears whenever it pleases with any number of uncertain destinations.
If that polite description sounds like your kind of journey then FCC is for you, but before you get lured into their trap, let me assure you its not the kind of dizzying adventure that that sentence may conjure in your mind. 

An average journey upon the FCC mysteriously unpredictable transportation service.
Its 9am, Monday morning, you have begrudgingly dragged yourself out of bed and after 20 minutes of grimacing at the mirror, you look vaguely presentable. You stack your heavy bags on to your aching back and set off. Oh yes, let us not forget this is England, so its bloody freezing and most probably raining too, just to add to the current disgruntlement of Monday.
You climb the station steps, thinking about how all you want is to be sat inside anywhere with a hot drink and dry socks. Your heart sinks and you glance and the orange screen. 
9:02 service - Delayed. Expected at 9:32. 9:20 service - cancelled. All other trains - WHO KNOWS! ITS A FUN MYSTERY.
No FCC, it really is not. 

Now friends, imagine that happening almost every day, with little no explanation of the delays and sometimes no idea as to when any train will turn up. Suddenly this isn't seeming much like a transportation service at all. More of a stand still and get cold service. 
The sensible conclusion to draw from this is that, FCC is a bad train service, but wait... believe it or not, there is worse. 

"FINE" you exclaim, turning on your heals heading for the nearest coffee shop. You settle down for a hot drink to warm your bones, and as your anger and frustration is just about quelled something catches your attention out the window. 
Its 9:14 the train has arrived, without warning. It leaves. You are not on it. 

Now the only conclusion left to draw is that FCC is not just a bad train service its also a bad, bad train service. Not only are they delayed or cancelled but just turn up whenever they damn well please irregardless of the excepted time of arrival. Meaning no passenger ever has any idea when a train might arrive. This seems to me to be a complete failing of the central point of a train service. 
But then hey, i'm just one person, what do i know.. 
... Oh, i see.

In review, it appears i am not alone and we can only assume that FCC is not in fact a train service at all, as it might have you believe. It is something, but a reliable and remotely useful, it is not. 

The End. 

End notes:
For fans of - Being late, to everything, ever.

1 comment:

  1. It terrifies me that that FCC are being considered for north bound trains instead of Virgin, having taken both I can strongly assure any government official that whilst I am no fan of Virgin Media the Virgin Trains are quite good if a little old and uncomfortable.
